Kings and Queens Empowerment
2 min readDec 26, 2021

The Cocoon is Safe

Take all the time you need. Don’t let anyone make you feel inferior in this world we live in.

Photo: Cassandre Julien | CEO

We all have a role in this world and remember you have the power to set healthy boundaries in order to live safely. Safe mentally,physically, spiritually and financially. In all reality though, not to contradict myself that power has been stolen from many of us and has scarred most of us for life.

What do we do about what was stolen?

Let it go and make room for better…. Go back and take it saying “This belongs to me”. There’s so many scenarios that challenges the power. We can heal!

This pandemic presented so many opportunities mentally and I’m not alone. It does not matter what your title is in society your mental health is very important.

Heal thyself with simply existing day to day. It’s okay to disagree with what makes you feel uncomfortable in a negative way. Being fearless is easier said than done because most of us was programmed with fear. Fear of rejection, fear of abomination, fear of failing a test that was meant for someone else and that’s only because we allow someone else to make decisions for us. Do the ground work and you will not regret it. I say so with so much conviction because I am the living proof. You Matter Too!

Becoming Fearless

Create a new program and consider stepping out of your cocoon safely with your crown on adding value to this world with simplicity. Fearlessness starts with no one else but YOU.

Use your knowledge, Share it wholeheartedly and the value speaks for itself. Remember you matter and any untold story is a missed opportunity to share you with the world.

Photo: Cassandra J on Christmas Day 12/25/2021

Kings and Queens Empowerment

Our deepest purpose is to facilitate change Globally 🌟 not solely the voice of the silent , We are the eyes of the blind, We are the ears of the deaf and together we all count globally.

Kings and Queens Empowerment
Kings and Queens Empowerment

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